The animation “Inside and Out” has been one of the most popular and inspiring products of Pixar. This animation entered...
Emojis have become an important part of communication, allowing people to express emotions and reactions digitally. Google is now expanding...
Walt Disney today revealed the first look at its upcoming film Mufasa: The Lion King, set for release on December...
Demonstrating a willingness to adapt its iconic branding for a significant cause, The Coca-Cola Company has launched the “Recycle Me”...
The Glaze Project, a leader in safeguarding artistic integrity in the age of artificial intelligence, announces the release of Glaze...
Adobe has announced a significant advancement in professional video editing with the introduction of groundbreaking generative AI features within Adobe...
Cinema 4D
Adobe has launched an open-source toolkit called Substance 3D Connector. This framework allows developers to create plugins that seamlessly transfer...
Coca-Cola rolls out a redesign! Its new bottles are lighter, using less plastic overall. This marks a major decade-long first...
Adidas has seemingly taken its chunky sneaker designs to a whole new level with the absurd “The Box Shoe,” revealed...
Italian automaker Lamborghini has undergone a brand refresh, featuring a sleek and minimalistic logo as part of a larger “transformation...