boo packaging design
boo packaging design

Babies Says to Germs: “BOO!”

BOO! is a safe and effective sanitizing solution that helps you say “BOO!” to germs.

This brand of cleaning products is designed to be safe for children and babies. When it comes to taking care of a baby, it’s important to keep the area around them clean and free of pathogens, especially during their first several months of life.

Their toys and clothes should also be kept clean since children tend to touch everything around them and put their fingers in their mouths, exposing them to harmful germs and bacteria.

Unfortunately, a baby’s immune system is not strong enough to resist these dangers, which is why a lack of disinfection is one of the main reasons for child mortality in underdeveloped countries.

“Boo” products packaging design is an example of packaging, that designed specialy for children. A product that adults use for children, but it needs to be able to gain the trust of parents and children. With a little storytelling, you can get closer to your audience.

Cleaning product for children

There is a need for a cleaning product that can effectively combat dirt and germs while also being safe to use around children. That’s where BOO! comes in.

This line of multi-purpose cleaning products is based on natural components and is both color-free and fragrance-free, making them safe to use around children. This product designs in 3 different line:

  • Multi-purpose washing gel for children’s dishware and toys based on chamomile extract
  • Floor cleaning gel based on aloe vera extract
  • Bathroom and lavatory cleaning spray with tea tree extract

Attention to elements in packaging design for children

Using BOO! products can help give parents peace of mind knowing that they are providing a clean and safe environment for their children.

The natural components in the products are gentle on surfaces, making them suitable for use on a variety of different materials, including plastic, ceramic, and wood.

Using natural components

When it comes to taking care of a baby, cleanliness is essential. By using BOO! products, parents can help to protect their little ones from harmful germs and bacteria without having to worry about using harsh chemicals or strong fragrances. With BOO!, it’s easy to keep your home clean and your family healthy.

Not only are BOO! products safe for children and effective at eliminating germs, but they are also environmentally friendly. The natural components used in the products are sustainably sourced and biodegradable, making them a great choice for eco-conscious families.

Storytelling in “Boo” packaging design

BOO! products are also easy to use. Simply apply the appropriate product to the surface you wish to clean and wipe away with a clean cloth or sponge. The products do not leave any residue or strong odors, leaving your home smelling fresh and clean.

When you consider your audience in the design, they will definitely communicate with you more easily and trust you. Children love stories. They listen well to stories. This is the way to penetrate their minds. Paying attention to this point helps parents to be able to use stories in interacting with products related to children and to use products with a better feeling.

In summary, BOO! is a line of safe and effective cleaning products that are designed specifically for families with children and babies. The products are based on natural components, are color-free and fragrance-free, and are environmentally friendly. By using BOO!, parents can help to create a clean and healthy environment for their little ones, while also protecting the planet.

“Boo” series packaging design is designed by a Russian Federation called MBM.MOS

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