Step into the World of The Beetle Backs’s Playing Cards 

Experience the culmination of a two-year journey with The Beetle’s Legacy, an interesting deck of playing cards presented by The Gentleman Wake and designed by the visionary team at Widakk Design.

Crafted to delight collectors, thrill players, and ignite the imagination of magic enthusiasts worldwide, The Beetle’s Legacy embodies the fusion of timeless elegance, turn-of-the-20th-century style, and cutting-edge printing techniques.

The Beetle’s Legacy weaves a Kafkaesque tale, immersing you in the plight of an embattled entomologist. All the playing cards in this deck tell a story, inviting you to embark on a journey of discovery alongside the tenacious protagonist.

 Beetle Backs's Playing Cards 
Beetle Backs’s Playing Cards beautifull packaging design
 Beetle Backs's Playing Cards solo pack

The Six Editions of The Beetle’s Playing Cards

The Beetle’s Legacy boasts six distinct editions, each offering its own unique allure and narrative. The Crimson Standard Edition exudes an air of timeless sophistication, while the Cobalt Standard Edition evokes a sense of mystery.

The Prestige Edition stands as a testament to refinement. The Dynastinae Edition delves deeper into the entomologist’s world. The Prism Edition dazzles with its vibrant colors and mesmerizing patterns. And finally, the Legacy Edition pays homage to the enduring impact of The Beetle’s Legacy project.

 Beetle Backs's Playing Cards A card
 Beetle Backs's Playing Cards 3 characters

A Perfect Companion

The Beetle’s Legacy project is now live on Kickstarter. Whether you are a passionate collector, a devoted player in search of a deck that blends style and functionality, or a magic enthusiast seeking to elevate your performances, The Beetle’s Legacy is your perfect companion.

Photos by: Chris Moyer

Beetle Backs's Playing Cards red pack inside
Beetle Backs's Playing Cards red pack
Beetle Backs's Playing Cards red pack front
