Children's supplement packaging
Children's supplement packaging

PediaBest ,Children’s Supplement Packaging

PediaBest, a Portuguese brand, is one of the sub-brands of Pediorifamp company. It produces supplements for children. At first, this project started with designing the PediaBest’s logo, and then designed its packaging, website, poster and other graphic services for visual identity.

What makes this packaging outstanding and different from its competitors is its innovative children’s packaging design by Deeez studio. Last week, this packaging won Pent awards 2020 prize in children’s products field.

Problem description

many children resist against taking medicine, and this characteristic is common among them. The old strategies of our mothers like “show me your teeth”, “the plain is coming to your mouth open it”, or “say ahhh” act like games for children to take medicine easier.

Despite that sometimes these kind of games do not work. And doctors do not recommend combining medicines with food.

Telling stories about funny animal characters is one the best ways to get kids take their medicine. This solution helps mothers in the process of feeding and giving medicine.

The structure and the pictures

The main idea of the design of PediBest was taken from flipbooks and pop-up story books to create the sense of curiosity in the kid and make him or her interested in the contents.

Additionally, the structure of the packaging and the pictures help the mother to create a story for her kid and keep him or her entertained.

A collection of animal characters with specific characteristics, a bear famous for sleeping in the winter or a giraffe famous for its height, based on the indication are illustrated in two frames.

On the first frame, the animal with its mouth open is waiting eagerly for the syrup to be pour into its mouth, and in the second frame when the box is open, the effect of the medicine of the animal is illustrated.

For instance, when the crocodile takes the appetite medicine it gets fatter, when the bear takes the sleep medicine he falls sleep, or when the deer takes the Vitamin D its horn grow longer.

The features of the children’s packaging design

The packaging o the Pediabest not only keeps the medicine safe, but also plays the role of the of a toy or a story book, or an animation telling a fun story making the kid eager to take the medicine easily.

The illustration shows the impact of the drug on the animals, and teaches them a lesson.

Discovering The Idea

4 year-old Surin, who lives in Zurish, helped Pedi Best find the original idea for the packaging. Her mother always gave him the medicine while she was watching cartoons or turning over his books.

He read pop-up books helping his imagination and encouraging him to read the book. Surin eagerly turned the pages to find the pictures hiding behind it and to tell us a story.

This moment inspired us to come up with a packaging that would make kids feel good even during the displeasing moments like taking medicine.

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Visual identity of pediabest
medicine packaging design
medicine packaging design
Pediabest visual identity & packaging design
Pediabest visual identity & packaging design
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Pediabest brochure design
Pediabest brochure design
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creative packaging design for children medicine
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Pediabest website design
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storytelling in packaging desing
packaging design for kids medicine
packaging design for kids medicine
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when you eat your medicine you will see the changes
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 Pediabest visual identity & packaging won Pent awards 2020 prize in children's products field
Pediabest visual identity & packaging won Pent awards 2020 prize in children’s products field