
Nike Takes Action to Rebrand ‘Skiman’ Logo

A legal dispute has arisen between Nike, the well-known sportswear giant, and Skiman, a ski apparel brand based in Colorado. The conflict stems from the striking similarity between Skiman’s logo and Nike‘s iconic Jumpman emblem.

According to reports from Denver7, the tension has escalated to the point where Nike has sent multiple cease-and-desist letters, urging Skiman’s owner, Stephen Fucik, to voluntarily abandon his trademark.

Skiman, which was established out of Fucik’s passion for winter sports, successfully obtained a trademark in December 2020. The logo represents a skier performing a maneuver known as a “daffy.” However, Nike contends that this logo bears a close resemblance to their own Jumpman symbol.

Nike’s Jumpman Logo vs. Skiman LLC’s Trademark

Since its introduction in the late 1980s, Nike’s Jumpman logo, featuring a silhouette of basketball legend Michael Jordan executing his iconic slam dunk, has become an iconic symbol in the world of sportswear.

Skiman LLC, on the other hand, asserts that they have followed the proper procedures and obtained federal registration for their Skiman logo through the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Skiman LLC is urging action to be taken in response to this oversight, highlighting the need to address the situation.

Nike monitors trademarks resembling its own, frequently resorting to legal measures against brands it believes have engaged in potential infringements. These targets range from smaller businesses, such as Skiman, to more prominent ones like BAPE and Roger Federer.

Aksels, Nike, and the Ski-Man’s Fight for Creative Freedom

Maintaining his innocence, Fucik emphasizes that his logo was solely inspired by the spirit of skiing and that he never intended to infringe upon Nike’s rights. He states to Denver7 that losing this symbol would pose a significant threat to the very essence of his business.

This previous legal dispute involving Fucik and his logo is worth noting. Dane Burneson, the former owner of Aksels, a hat shop based in Colorado, accused Fucik of using a mirrored version of his own design, which had been in use since 2010.

However, with Nike’s entry into the conflict, Burneson ultimately chose to step back from the dispute. This information was reported by the founder of Aksels to the news outlet. 

Skiman’s Fight to Protect its Brand

Despite making efforts to engage in negotiations with Nike, Fucik expresses frustration over the lack of success in resolving the issue. As the impending showdown looms ahead, the owner remains resolute in his determination to protect the identity of his brand.

In a recent article on Brand New (linked), it is reported that Skiman, a skiing apparel brand, is currently facing cease and desist letters from Nike due to the perceived similarity of their logo to the famous Jumpman logo. Interestingly, Fucik had obtained trademark registration from the USPTO without any challenges from Nike initially.