The Paralympic Games celebrate athletic excellence and human strength, with the Paralympic logo, known as the “Agitos,” serving as a...
The Japan Graphic Designers Association (JAGDA) is hosting its annual international poster design competition for students! This year’s theme is...
The fashion industry, a titan of creativity and self-expression, unfortunately, casts a long shadow of waste. Mountains of discarded clothing...
Words are omnipresent in today’s life, from smartphones to books, websites, and beyond. We constantly engage with written words, from...
DC Comics has recently introduced a new logo that blends nostalgia with contemporary design. This fresh look reimagines the iconic...
A Bold New Look for PayPal PayPal has introduced a fresh brand identity to celebrate its 25th anniversary. Designed by...
A Spark Ignites: Imagine this: you’re an artist, and inspiration strikes. A melody forms in your mind, a scene unfolds...
Zendaya has firmly established herself as one of the most influential fashion icons of our time. From her red carpet...
Apple has garnered widespread attention with its new iPad advertising campaign in France, which coincides with the Paris Olympic 2024....