The Olympics celebrate athletic prowess and global unity. Their logos play a crucial role in this celebration. Each logo reflects...
On July 15th, 1959, a now-iconic symbol blasted onto the scene: the NASA logo. This simple design, with its classic...
For decades, anime enthusiasts have passionately debated the merits of traditional and digital animation. These two approaches, as different as...
A battle line has been drawn in the sand: Artists vs AI . A group of hacktivists calling themselves NullBulge...
The Better Design Award (BDA) is an exciting new international design competition seeking projects and companies that represent the pinnacle...
Welcome to the exciting world of graphic design! As a beginner, you’re brimming with creative potential. This guide equips you...
Pixar’s sequel, Inside Out 2, dives back into Riley’s mind, this time as a teenager. While exploring the emotional rollercoaster...
The Japan Graphic Designers Association (JAGDA) is hosting its annual international poster design competition for students! This year’s theme is...
The design landscape is a dynamic beast. New tools and trends emerge seemingly overnight, leaving designers scrambling to keep up....
A Spark Ignites: Imagine this: you’re an artist, and inspiration strikes. A melody forms in your mind, a scene unfolds...
The narrative of artificial intelligence (AI) replacing graphic designers has become tiresome. It paints a future devoid of human creativity,...
Penguin Design Books, a storytelling giant for over 90 years, knows the power of a great cover. It grabs your...