packaging design of HAPS
packaging design of HAPS

Packaging Design Like BUGS!

As an artist it’s really good to see the examples of design in your field. It helps you to improve your mind muscles, and open the window of your mind to the creativity of other designers.

Igor Mitin is one of the studios that works in packaging design. today we want to see one of their projects. Stay with us:

Using similarity in packaging design

‘HAPS HANDY BUGS’ are the tools, and the packages are just like beetles. Igor Mitin found a similarity of tool handles to the body of giant beetles.

Just like it hides the package and tool at the same time. You can see the plier heads as sharp teeth of bugs, and handle curves that form bugs body outline.

The colour palette of the brand, bold black and yellow are the same as jungle beetle shells. It is a cohesion across the brand and it repeats in the handy bugs set.

Related Article: Packaging Design; The Most Important Part Of Marketing

Using metaphors in design inspiration

This HAPS beetle is now your pet, it has powerful jaws and is useful for your daily work. Igor Mitin believes that it’s a kind of gift, an appreciation to customers.

“Handy” bugs consist of four types of pliers:

  • Long nose pliers
  • Side cutting pliers
  • Combination pliers
  • Cutting pliers

These bugs fix any “bugs” ,is the slogan of the brand. And it means “you can solve any problem with these special bugs”. You can see Igor Mitin studio project in pictures below:

Side cutting pliers packaging design
Side cutting pliers packaging design
“Handy” bugs consist of four types of pliers
“Handy” bugs consist of four types of pliers
Igor Mitin found a similarity of tool handles to the body of giant beetles
Igor Mitin found a similarity of tool handles to the body of giant beetles
Using similarity in packaging design
Using similarity in packaging design
packaging design of HAPS
packaging design of HAPS
Using metaphors in design inspiration
Using metaphors in design inspiration
Long nose pliers, Side cutting pliers, Combination pliers, Cutting pliers
Long nose pliers, Side cutting pliers, Combination pliers, Cutting pliers
These bugs fix any “bugs”
These bugs fix any “bugs”