Inside and Out

“Inside and Out 2” New Character

The animation “Inside and Out” has been one of the most popular and inspiring products of Pixar. This animation entered a new and different stage in Pixar’s story-telling stories and animation in general, after which Pixar tried its hand at everything and sometimes it was produced by Disney. Even to this day, even the popular animations “Ghost” and “Flushing”, which take a similar psychological look at the child/human mind, could achieve the same success. Now Pixar fans should prepare themselves for another theme. “Inside and Out 2” is going to have a perfect spot: the mind of a teenager.

In September 2022, Disney and Pixar announced at the D23 Expo that a sequel to the 2015 Oscar-winning animation “Inside and Out” was in development. During the convention, Amy Poehler, who will reprise her role as Shadi in the new film, joined Inside and Out director Pete Docter on stage.

“Pixar is making Inside Out 2,” Pooler told the crowd. Yes, happiness and other emotions return to go to a new adventure in Riley’s mind.”

new emotions Inside and Out 2
new emotions Inside and Out 2

“In and Out” screenwriter Meg LeFave and producer Mark Nielsen will return for the sequels, Docter said. Meanwhile, Doctor Who announced that Ein will not be directing the new film, and will instead pass the torch to Kelsey Mann, the director of the “Forward” (Forward) story.
The conference ended with the doctor explaining: “It’s still in the early stages of development, so we won’t say much more.” However, Poehler said that he did read the script, and that he thought it was “great”.

Poehler later spoke more about the film in an interview with PEOPLE: “We’re going to find out what it’s like to be a teenager, and see what it feels like to live inside a young person’s mind. The story was really exciting in many ways. We knew exactly where we were. “We go inside the mind of a teenager and see the madness that lives there.”
The actor also said the film goes “deeper,” explaining, “Since the first movie came out, a lot has happened in terms of emotional intelligence and how we think about mental health and how our emotions can affect our bodies and what it really is. It’s happening in our heads.”

How did “in and out” end?

Original film about 11-year-old Riley and her feelings after moving to a new city. At the end of the film, happiness and sadness work together to help Riley tell her family that she misses her old life and come to terms with the changes. They create a new “master memory” and begin to revive the girl’s personality. Tags will also find a new “Maturity” button on their dashboard, marking another big change.

What is “Inside and Out 2” about?

The new film will focus on the teenager Riley and show new emotions and new adventures.
In an interview with People, Poehler talked about the film’s plot: “At the end of the original film, Shadi has a wonderful moment where he tells himself, finally, this is how it should be. After the big button we see puberty and I feel like they are asking us to push it? We recognized it in the second video. In some ways, this story needed a sequel, and we are making it.”

Inside and Out 2
Inside and Out 2

Who are the actors in the movie?

The cast has yet to be announced, but Pooler will return as Joy, Phyllis Smith will reprise the role of Sadness, and Lewis Black will reprise the role of Anger.
In interviews with Entertainment Weekly, Poehler talked about his return to the character. He said: “It is very good to play the role of Shadi. You have to really stand and you can’t sit and record his voice. So it takes me a minute just to remember how he navigates his own world.”

Who will direct “Inside and Out 2”?

Kelsey Mann, who previously directed “Onward” and “The Good Dinosaur”, will direct “Inside and Out 2”. The director of the original film was Pete Docter, who also directed the films Rooh (Soul) and Bala (Bala).
Although the Doctor told Entertainment Weekly in June 2015 that he had no immediate plans for a sequel, he didn’t completely close the door, saying, “Never say never.” The same year, in an interview with The Guardian, Pooler praised the director and the film’s message.
“Pete does a good job of reminding everyone to grow up and let go of how difficult and emotionally dangerous childhood can be,” she said. And that we as humans and parents are constantly in search of happiness, we may be able to become our reality.”

When will “Inside and Out 2” be released?

It will be released in theaters on June 14, 2024.