Hot Chocolate

A Taste of Color: Crayola’s Colorful Hot Chocolate with Changing Hues

Crayola, known for its art supplies, has entered the hot chocolate game by introducing Colorful Hot Chocolate. This unique beverage, as discovered by Instagram accounts Markie Devo and Junk Foodie, is now available at TJ Maxx stores just in time for the holiday season.

A palette of flavors

When mixed into water, each cup of hot chocolate transforms into one of Crayola’s crayon colors, such as Firefly Red, Pacific Blue, Emerald Green, or Royal Purple.

The packaging of the product resembles the iconic yellow packaging of Crayola’s stationery supplies, featuring crayons dressed in winter wear and enjoying their colorful drinks.

Hot Chocolate

Crayola’s Hot Chocolate Challenges Industry

Although the beverage has been in the market for some time, social media users have been posting about it since last year.

Given Crayola’s lack of reputation in the food industry, some shoppers may feel uncertain about trying their hot chocolate.